Located just a stone’s throw from our Jersey studio in St. Helier, the Ann Court regeneration project finally broke ground earlier this year.
The scheme will deliver 165 social housing units for Andium Homes and will include extensive public realm improvements to the surrounding area which will knit the development into the north of St. Helier’s regeneration plan.
The project is being constructed by Jersey based contractor Camerons using French specialist concrete contractor CNR Construction, and together they have been making steady progress since starting on site during the summer. Now that foundation works are complete it’s exciting to see the first structures starting to rise from the ground.
As one of Jersey’s largest affordable housing projects, the decision to use concrete over traditional masonry construction methods offered the team significant time saving on the original construction programme which will allow the client to take early possession of the first phases when complete. The entire superstructure, including two levels of car parking, will be constructed using in-situ and precast concrete and has been designed with the integration of building services within the structural frame reducing floor-to-floor heights.
We look forward to the construction of this fantastic project over the next two years and will be posting regular updates on its progress.
Photograph courtesy of Camerons.